Diabetes is a chronic disease with the potential of affecting all organs and organ systems. Specific dedication has to be directed to diabetes control during pregnancy, as uncontrolled levels of blood sugar can cause substantial health problems for mother and baby.
Insulin demand is usually increased during pregnancy. Thus, it is not uncommon that diabetic pregnant ladies need insulin therapy or increased dose of medication during their pregnancy.
About 10% of healthy women develop diabetic symptoms for the first time during pregnancy. This condition is called “Gestational Diabetes”. Unlike other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes is not permanent. After the baby is born, blood glucose levels return to normal and no further treatment is necessary.
Most women diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes don’t have any symptoms. This is why screening tests for diabetes and thorough blood sugar monitoring are critical during pregnancy. Many women can manage their gestational diabetes by physical exercises and healthy diet alone. Medication is needed in about 15% of cases to control blood sugar levels, daily insulin injection will be needed in most of these cases. Whether put on insulin or not, you will receive lots of hints and tips from your healthcare team to ensure your diabetes is well controlled during your pregnancy.
What are the risks of uncontrolled gestational diabetes?
- Development of a larger baby with increased risk for birth induction or Cesarean Section
- Abnormal development of the baby (for instance of the baby’s heart)
- Breathing problems after birth
- Stillbirth or death shortly after birth
How can I have healthy pregnancy with gestational diabetes?
Most women with gestational diabetes will experience successful pregnancy and healthy baby if their glucose level can be controlled.
- Follow up on the treatment plan of your physician
- Keep healthy diet and exercise regularly
- Regularly monitor your blood glucose
- Keep up with your regular prenatal appointments
We cordially invite you to join our Amber Diabetes Registry or our Amber Diabetes Patient Education Program. Our highly specialized interdisciplinary Diabetes Care Team is looking forward to take care of you.
As Amber Clinics consider Diabetes Registry and Interactive Diabetes Education as a Corporate Social Responsibility, attendance of both programs is free of cost for everybody.
Please contact us if you have questions.
email: care@amberclinics.com
cell phone: 050 153 0873
Amber Clinics: Amber Clinics: Rigga, International City
Al Noor Polyclinics: Deira and Satwa
Dr Joseph Polyclinic: Karama, Qusais
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