The department offers all the routine obstetrics and gynecology services like regular Antenatal checkups, Ultrasound, Non-stress Test (CTG) for knowing the fetal wellbeing in the last trimester, Post Natal problems, contraceptive advice and problems like excessive Vaginal discharge, bleeding, Hormonal disturbances,Menstrual irregularity and Cervical Cautery.
Specializes in treatment of Infertility of both partners which include complete Hormonal assay, follicular study by ultrasound and IUI along with medications and Management of abortions and recurrent abortions. Also, treatment of recurrent Urinary infections and pubertal problems. Providing women of all ages excellent consultation and care, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at BMC comprises experienced gynecologist who take care of their needs and offer Advice and reassurance.