The Pediatric & Neonatology Department has a complete Baby Friendly Unit.
The Department has a full-fledged and well equipped with state of the art facilities.
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) follow-up program.
- Preterm Birth / Congenital defect
- Functional and pathological Gastro-Intestinal Hepatologic Disorder
- Specialized Feeding rehabilitation for under nutrition and Obesity
- Health screening for childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders
- Community Acquired Viral and Bacterial Infections
- Cutaneous Allergic and Infectious Disorders
- Preventive Vaccines and Immunotherapy for Chronic Respiratory Diseases
- Assessment of Congenital and Acquired Genito-Urinary Tract Disorder
- Comprehensive Allergen-Immunologic Testing
- Global Initiative on Asthma Management and Prevention
- Full Spectrum Therapy of Acute and Chronic Lung Diseases
- Evaluation of Behavioral and Delayed Development Milestone